Show pictures of gay men in red shirts

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Though he said he was disappointed in Disney’s initial “non-verbal condemnation” of the bill, Manley said he was satisfied by its response afterward, including a pledge to donate $5 million to LGBTQ+ organizations. “It’s my way of saying, ‘It might not have been the best response, but it was enough,” said Logan, 54. The ad begins with the line, “To all that come to this happy place, Welcome!” quoting from Walt Disney’s 1955 dedication speech for Disneyland. Organizers plan to reach out to Disney after the event to “make sure we’re all on the same page of inclusivity,” Manley said Wednesday.ĭisney bought an ad in Gay Days’ magazine featuring photos of a person wearing rainbow Mickey ears and gay and lesbian couples enjoying the parks. Gay Days’ official schedule shows visits planned for all four Disney theme parks along with Universal Orlando and SeaWorld. “We won’t be silenced because that’s when we lose,” Manley said. The event is more than a trip to Disney, he said, and organizers believe the best way to protest the legislation is to continue vocally celebrating the LGBTQ+ community in Orlando. President Chris Manley told the Orlando Sentinel in March. Gay Days is “not a political event, but it is a statement,” Gay Days Inc.

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Related: Disney says Florida's 'don't say gay' bill should be repealed or struck down

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