Gay bear porn blog

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I wanted more and I found out that he has a website:. Granted he completely dominated the whole match but it was still glorious to watch it nevertheless. That video was not a short clip, but an actual full match.

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This BigOfficerBear brought back fond memories of The Big Boss Man (the “heel version” of course). Suddenly, I was whisked away to my teenage years. I was just browsing through YouTube when I was recommended by YouTube’s algorithm to watch a video titled “Wresting BIG Officer Bear” (you can only watch this video in YouTube): And don’t get me started when he started sweating…įast-forward 32 years later. He was literally an exciting figure: he was a cocky heel and that sky blue police uniform made him an imposing figure that fulfilled my fantasies. However, he had made my teenage years very exciting (I had a very boring teen life). The Big Boss Man (real name: Ray Traylor) is not in this world any longer. And the term “bears” made my inner hipster extremely happy. Honestly, if I could rewind time, I would have just started a blog called “Large Men.” To me, he was still a “bear” - “bear” being an umbrella term to describe large men.

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Others would probably just call him a “chub,” and that’s okay. He was a musclechub before I had any idea what a musclechub was. The Big Boss Man was definitely one of my favorite pro-wrestlers growing up as a teenager.

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